... that Tuna(pictured) gained celebrity status after Instagram featured him on their website?
... that Lucien von Römer wrote in 1908 that homosexuality was innate, a view described by others as being "in conflict with morality and offensive to others"?
... that Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee resisted a court order to transfer a state prisoner to the U.S. government, because the transfer could have made the prisoner eligible for capital punishment?
Darwan Singh Negi (1881–1950) being carried into the Royal Pavilion for treatment after being injured in the Defence of Festubert, France. He was then a naik in the 39th Garhwal Rifles, which on the night of 23–24 November 1914 retook the town's trenches from the attacking German forces. Though wounded in the head and arm, Negi continued to lead a charge as bombs exploded around him. In December Negi became one of the first Indians to receive a Victoria Cross.
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